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Seismic FAQ's
1) Why do we need Seismic? +

Seismic allows us to obtain an image of rock formations below the Earth's surface. Seismic uses reflective technology similar to that of sonar used in mapping the ocean floor but in this case it maps the various rock formations below the Earth's surface.

2) Why is it so important for oil & gas production? +

Seismic data allows scientists to identify the rock formations where potential oil & gas deposits exist. Oil companies analyze this data to increase the likelihood of drilling near a profitable formation.

3) Is a seismic permit something I should be concerned about? +

Seismic permits are non-binding short term agreements and they are simply written permission for the exploration company conduct seismic testing on, across and below your property. It will not allow the exploration company to drill.

4) Can I still farm my land during seismic? +

Yes, and although summer is a convenient time for seismic operations, we can help to negotiate non-disturbance clauses into your agreement.

5) How do I know if I own the mineral rights on my property? +

Most commonly, owners simply own the surface rights to a property, but it will show on land titles if the land owner owns the surface and/or mineral rights.